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Notify MOM of updates: S Pass

If you are an S Pass holder or employer, find out when and how to notify MOM of changes, including updates to company name and address, occupation, salary and residential address.

You will need to notify us in these situations:

Change in company's name or financial informationShow

Who does this: Employer

Update company's name or paid-up capital

Once you have updated your company’s particulars with ACRA (or your respective Unique Entity Number (UEN) issuance agency), your records will be automatically updated in EP eService within 2 weeks. You don’t need to update MOM separately.

However, if you need to perform transactions with us urgently, you can update your company’s name or paid-up capital using our online form.

If your company has a CPF account, you should also inform the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board on the name change.

Update company turnover

You must provide your company’s turnover information for the past 3 years before you can apply for or renew a pass in EP eService.

If you are an You can 
Employer with an EP eService account

Provide the information in EP eService > Work Passes > Quick Menu > Manage organisation profile.

Note: You cannot ask an employment agent to provide the information for you.

Employment agent helping a client who does not have an EP eService account to provide the information Submit a request.

If your company meets any of the following criteria, you can select ‘No’ under the relevant ‘Turnover Available’ field:

  • Does not have the turnover ready for the latest year
  • Is newly opened
  • Is a non-profit organisation

Change in company addressShow

Who does this: Employer

You can update your company address using EP eService.

If your company has a CPF account, you should also update the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board about the change. This will ensure that you continue to receive important messages and correspondences from us.

Change in business entityShow

Who does this: Employer

You need to inform us if your company is undergoing the following types of changes that will result in the change in the CPF submission numbers:

  • Changing to another type of business entity (e.g. from a sole proprietorship to a private limited company), where at least one of the directors, partners or sole proprietor will move to the new entity.
  • Undergoing full merger, acquisition or amalgamation of entities.
  • Renewing a business registration with a different ACRA number while keeping the company name.

For these above scenarios, you can find out how to transfer your workers to the new company

Who does this: Employer

An S Pass holder can be transferred to a related company in Singapore (i.e. branch, subsidiary, or affiliated company). The current employer will need to follow these steps:

  1. Check with the related company to ensure it has sufficient S Pass quota.
  2. Get the related company to apply for a new S Pass for the pass holder. The related company doesn’t need to advertise the position on MyCareersFuture.
  3. Cancel the existing S Pass when the employment ends. Cancellation must be done before the related company can get the new S Pass issued. 
If you are transferring S Pass holders because two companies are undergoing full merger, acquisition or amalgamation, you should instead notify MOM that you are changing your business entity.

Change in pass holder's salaryShow

Who does this: Employer

As an employer, you must notify us if you lower or raise a pass holder's salary. 

If you lower the salary

You can submit a request at least 1 month before the date you intend to lower the salary. 

The pass holder must continue to qualify for the work pass that he is holding with the revised salary. Otherwise, you should cancel the work pass and apply for a new work pass based on his eligibility.

If the work pass holder fails to meet the criteria for DP/LTVP privileges with the revised salary, MOM will revoke any existing DP/LTVP tied to the work pass.

If you raise the salary

You don't need to inform us immediately unless you are applying for dependant privileges.

Instead, you can indicate the change in salary when you renew the S Pass.

Applying for dependant privileges

If you have raised your salary and you intend to apply for dependant privileges, you need to submit a request and upload the following documents:

  • Pass holder's itemised payslips for past 3 months.
  • A clear copy of the pass holder's latest IRAS statement.

Change in pass holder's occupationShow

Who does this: Employer

To update a pass holder's occupation:

  1. Submit a request.
  2. Choose the closest match to the new occupation, from the A-Z list of standard occupations: A-I, J-R, S-Z.
  3. (For some occupations) You need to upload support letter from the respective professional bodies.

We will email you the outcome within 3 weeks.

If a pass holder goes missingShow

Who does this: Employer

To report a missing pass holder, you must make a missing person's police report and cancel the S Pass within 1 week of knowing that the pass holder is missing.

Change in pass holder's residential address and mobile numberShow

Who does this: Employer and pass holder

Either party needs to update us within 5 days of changes to the residential address or mobile number. Otherwise, the S Pass holder may be penalised.

How to update

  1. (For address updates) Ensure that the new address meets the relevant housing requirements.
  2. Log in to EP eService to update the address or mobile number. The update is immediate.
  3. Print the acknowledgement page.
  4. Pass the printed acknowledgement page to the pass holder to keep it with the pass card. 

Change in pass holder's personal informationShow

Who does this: Employer or pass holder

Changes to passport number and expiry date

You can update your passport number and expiry date instantly using EP eService. Written requests to update these two details will no longer be accepted.

If you wish to clear immigration using the automated gates at local checkpoints, you can do so 4 working days after making the update.

Changes to other particulars

Submit your request online, together with the required supporting documents.

Personal particulars Supporting documents
  • Passport
  • Documents to verify the change in name, such as deed poll or marriage certificates
  • Passport
Date of birth
  • Passport
  • Birth certificate showing date of birth, country/region of birth and country/region of origin
Marital status
  • Passport
  • Documents to show the change in marital status, such as marriage certificate or divorce papers
  • Passport
Country/Region of birth or origin
  • Passport
  • Birth certificate showing date of birth, country/region of birth and country/region of origin
Malaysian ID details
  • Passport
  • Front and back copy of your Malaysian identity card

Your request will be processed within 7 working days. We will email you the outcome. 

Change in application details after pass is approvedShow

Use this online form to inform MOM if there is a change in the pass holder’s following information (after the work pass has been approved):
  • Educational qualification
  • Work location

Provide a reference for your pass holderShow

You can submit a request to be a referee for your ex-work pass holder after you have cancelled the work pass.

Upon receiving your request, we will:

  • Inform the prospective employer or employment agent who is applying for a work pass for the worker that you have offered to provide a personal reference check.
  • Release your contact details so that they can contact you to find out more about the worker’s conduct, character, or work performance, if they wish to do so.

The prospective employer or employment agent may also speak to the foreigner directly before deciding if they want to proceed to apply for the work pass.

This request will be valid for 2 years, but you can submit a request to withdraw at any time.

We cannot ban foreigners from future employment based solely on employer’s feedback. We can only do so if the foreigner has been charged and found guilty of an offence under Singapore law or infringed MOM’s regulations.

We are also unable to act based on non-employment related feedback from landlords, housing agents etc. They can choose to either seek legal advice, file a police report, or settle the matter directly with the foreigner.