Service is online SGWorkPass - Mobile app Employment Pass EntrePass Personalised Employment Pass S Pass Dependant's Pass Long-Term Visit Pass Training Employment Pass Training Work Permit Work Holiday Pass Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for performing artiste Estimated time to complete: 2 mins Persons can use SGWorkPass as their digital work pass to support their stay and employment in Singapore.
Service is online Submit 6ME results for female Work Permit holder Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Singapore-registered clinic can submit 6-monthly medical (6ME) results for female Work Permit holders employed by businesses.
Service is online Submit an appeal for an FMMD case Employment agency Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for performing artiste Estimated time to complete: 5 – 30 mins Employment agencies can appeal to MOM's Foreign Manpower Management Division (FMMD) against the outcome of a case.
Service is online Submit document for Work Permit cancellation request Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers or EAs can submit documents for their Work Permit cancellation request.
Service is online Submit documents for IPA cancellation as worker has gone missing Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers or EAs can submit documents for in-principle approval (IPA) cancellation if their worker goes missing.
Service is online Submit documents for IPA cancellation request as worker has passed away Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers or EAs can submit documents for their in-principle approval (IPA) cancellation request if their worker passed away.
Service is online Submit documents for IPA cancellation request as worker is required by Authority Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers or EAs can submit documents for their in-principle approval (IPA) cancellation request as their worker is required for investigation by Authority.
Service is online Submit documents for prior approval (Marine shipyard sector) Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 10 mins Companies in the marine shipyard sector can submit documents for prior approval (PA) to employ migrant workers.
Service is online Submit documents to keep worker on higher-skilled levy after cancellation of the IPA or temporary permit Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 10 mins Companies can submit documents to keep Work Permit holder on higher-skilled levy after cancellation of the in-principle approval (IPA) or temporary permit.
Service is online Submit proof that your work pass holder is undergoing tuberculosis treatment Employment Pass EntrePass Letter of Consent Miscellaneous Work Pass Personalised Employment Pass S Pass Training Employment Pass Training Work Permit Work Holiday Pass Work Permit for confinement nanny Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Work Permit for performing artiste Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Persons or organisations can submit proof that their work pass holder is undergoing tuberculosis treatment.