Service is online Request for more time to get the pass issued/renewed or send pass holder home Dependant's Pass Employment Pass EntrePass Letter of Consent Long-Term Visit Pass Miscellaneous Work Pass Personalised Employment Pass S Pass Training Employment Pass Training Work Permit Work Holiday Pass Work Permit for confinement nanny Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for performing artiste Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Persons or organisations can request for more time to get the pass issued, renewed, or send their pass holder home.
Service is online Request to add or change business activity S Pass Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 10 mins Employers can request to add or change business activity.
Service is online Request to cancel Work Pemit IPA due to error in WP Online Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Persons or organisations can request to cancel a Work Permit in-principle approval (IPA) if they encountered an error message in WP Online.
Service is online Request to cancel Work Permit as unable to do so using WP Online Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Persons or organisations can request to cancel a Work Permit if they encountered an error message in WP Online.
Service is online Request to reinstate Work Permit revoked due to levy default for migrant workers Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Companies can request to reinstate a Work Permit revoked due to levy default for their migrant worker.
Service is online Request to remove transaction block in EP or WP Online due to GIRO arrangement not set up S Pass Training Work Permit Work Permit for confinement nanny Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for performing artiste Estimated time to complete: 2 mins Persons or organisations can request to remove transaction block in EP or WP Online due to GIRO arrangement not set up.
Service is online Request to update worker's departure record (For business employers or EAs) Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Business employers or employment agencies (EAs) can request to update their worker's departure record.
Service is undergoing maintenance Safe@Dorm Foreign employee dormitory S Pass Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 – 15 mins Dormitory operators can view the AccessCode status of their residents (Work Permit, S Pass and Employment Pass holders).
Service is offline Safe@Work S Pass Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 – 15 mins Employers can view the AccessCode status of their workers (Work Permit, S Pass and Employment Pass holders).
Service is online SGWorkPass - Mobile app Employment Pass EntrePass Personalised Employment Pass S Pass Dependant's Pass Long-Term Visit Pass Training Employment Pass Training Work Permit Work Holiday Pass Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for performing artiste Estimated time to complete: 2 mins Persons can use SGWorkPass as their digital work pass to support their stay and employment in Singapore.