Service is online Request to update MDW's departure record (For MDW employers) Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers or an authorised third party can request to update their migrant domestic worker (MDW)'s departure record.
Service is online Request to update worker's departure record (For business employers or EAs) Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Business employers or employment agencies (EAs) can request to update their worker's departure record.
Service is online SGWorkPass - Mobile app Employment Pass EntrePass Personalised Employment Pass S Pass Dependant's Pass Long-Term Visit Pass Training Employment Pass Training Work Permit Work Holiday Pass Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for performing artiste Estimated time to complete: 2 mins Persons can use SGWorkPass as their digital work pass to support their stay and employment in Singapore.
Service is online Submit an appeal for an FMMD case Employment agency Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for performing artiste Estimated time to complete: 5 – 30 mins Employment agencies can appeal to MOM's Foreign Manpower Management Division (FMMD) against the outcome of a case.
Service is online Submit application for a MDW (For employers without a Singpass) Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers who do not have a Singpass can submit the application form for their migrant domestic worker (MDW).
Service is online Submit employer's IRAS Notice of Assessment to renew MDW's Work Permit (For employment agencies) Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins EAs can submit the employers’ latest IRAS Notice of Assessment to renew the Work Permit of their migrant domestic worker (MDW).
Service is online Submit employer's IRAS Notice of Assessment to renew MDWs Work Permit (For MDW employers) Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers can submit their latest IRAS Notice of Assessment to renew the Work Permit of their migrant domestic worker (MDW).
Service is online Submit proof that your work pass holder is undergoing tuberculosis treatment Employment Pass EntrePass Letter of Consent Miscellaneous Work Pass Personalised Employment Pass S Pass Training Employment Pass Training Work Permit Work Holiday Pass Work Permit for confinement nanny Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Work Permit for performing artiste Work Permit for foreign worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Persons or organisations can submit proof that their work pass holder is undergoing tuberculosis treatment.
Service is online Update particulars of the employer, employer's spouse or their helper Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers can update particulars for themselves, their spouse or their migrant domestic worker (MDW).
Service is online Update particulars of worker or MDW employer Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Companies or employment agencies (EAs) can update particulars of their worker or migrant domestic worker (MDW) employer.