Service is online Medical Examination (ME) Portal Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 1 – 5 mins Clinics can use this eService to submit six-monthly medical examination (6ME) results for helpers.
Service is online Notify MOM that your MDW will be taking care of the employer or household members at another house Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers can notify MOM if they need their migrant domestic worker (MDW) to take care of them or household members living with them, at another relative's / ex-spouse’s house.
Service is online Register migrant domestic worker's interim address Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Employment agency Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employment agencies can register or update a migrant domestic worker (MDW)'s interim address.
Service is online Reinstate Work Permit that is cancelled by mistake Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Persons or organisations can request to reinstate a Work Permit that is cancelled by mistake. You can only make a request if the Work Permit has not expired and the worker is still in Singapore.
Service is online Report an infringement Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Employment agency Estimated time to complete: 10 – 20 mins You can report an employment infringement if you are certain that one has been committed.
Service is online Request to cancel MDW Work Permit Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers or their representative can request to cancel the Work Permit of their migrant domestic worker (MDW) if the employer does not have a Singpass, or for an employer who has passed away.
Service is online Request to extend MDW stay Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers can request to extend the stay for their migrant domestic worker (MDW) if they need more time to send her home.
Service is online Request to postpone or waive MDW's 6-monthly examination Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers can request to postpone or waive the 6-monthly examination for their migrant domestic worker (MDW).
Service is online Request to reinstate Work Permit revoked due to levy default for MDW Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Estimated time to complete: 5 mins Employers can request to reinstate a Work Permit revoked due to levy default for their migrant domestic worker (MDW).
Service is online Request to remove transaction block in EP or WP Online due to GIRO arrangement not set up S Pass Training Work Permit Work Permit for confinement nanny Work Permit for foreign domestic worker Work Permit for foreign worker Work Permit for performing artiste Estimated time to complete: 2 mins Persons or organisations can request to remove transaction block in EP or WP Online due to GIRO arrangement not set up.