Find out the key points of
MOM’s Committee of Supply (COS) speeches, including links to more information about MOM's COS announcements.

Walking the tech journey with you
Technology also creates new jobs that are potentially of better quality
- Ramping up help for jobseekers to take up new jobs in growth sectors.
- Launch new PCPs such as in Embedded Software and Prefabrication.
- Enhance Career Trial to include part-time jobs to also benefit jobseekers who may have care-giving responsibilities.
Supporting businesses’ manpower needs
- New employer features through MyCareersFuture (e.g. view job applicants sorted by job fit, recommend suitable talent).
Strengthening support for Self-Employed Persons (SEPs)
- Help SEPs mitigate loss of income due to prolonged illness or injury.
- Raise awareness of taxi and private hire drivers on importance of having prolonged medical leave insurance coverage.
- Helping SEPs save more regularly for healthcare and retirement needs through a ”contribute-as-you-earn“ (CAYE) model.
- Government, as the service-buyer, to pilot CAYE from first quarter of 2020.
Supporting senior employment
Supporting older workers who wish to continue working
- Tripartite Workgroup on Older Workers (TWG-OW) reaffirmed the value of Retirement Age (RA) and Re-Employment Age (REA).
- There is scope to raise RA and REA with Singaporeans living longer, and in good health. CPF Payout Eligibility Age remains at 65.
- Further study needed on CPF contribution rates for older workers.
- TWG-OW to submit final recommendations by end 2019.
Better care and assurance for workers
Building progressive workplaces
- Promote adoption of Tripartite Standard on Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs).
- Increase Work-Life Grant budget to a total of $100 million and extend application period to until June 2022.
- Support companies in implementing job-sharing by developing a job-sharing implementation guide for employers. Guide will be launched by the first half of 2019.
- Facilitate integration of Persons with Special Needs into the workforce.
- TAFEP as a resource centre for managing workplace harassment.
Factsheet on Workplace Harassment @ TAFEP
Maintaining effectiveness of Dependency Ratio Ceiling controls in view of rising local wages
- The Local Qualifying Salary threshold, which determines the number of locals that count towards a firm’s quota to hire S Pass and Work Permit holders, will be raised from $1,200 to $1,300 from 1 July 2019.
Factsheet on Foreign Workforce Policy Announcements
- For an overview of MOM’s COS announcements, download our COS-in-Brief.
- Stay updated with the latest MOM-related news and announcements here, as well as our official MOM Facebook page.