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Video surveillance system for construction sector

All construction sites with a project value of $5 million and above are required to install video surveillance system (VSS).​

From June 2024, all construction sites with a project value of $5 million and above are required to install video surveillance system (VSS) at worksite locations where there are high-risk work activities.

What is VSS

The VSS is a network of cameras, monitors or display units, and recorders used for:

  • Surveillance
  • Identification of workplace safety and health (WSH) risks
  • Facilitation of incident investigation and corrective actions
  • Deterring unsafe workplace behaviours

For more details on scope of high-risk work activities and locations that will require VSS, specifications for VSS and guidance on using VSS to improve WSH, you can refer to the WSH Guide on Video Surveillance Systems published by WSH Council.