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Speech at Migrant Workers Carnival and Launch of the Migrant Workers Centre

Mr Hawazi Daipi, Senior Parliamentary Secretary , SCAL Recreation Centre

Mr Yeo Guat Kwang and Mr Kenneth Loo
Co-Chairmen of the Migrant Workers Forum


Ladies and Gentlemen

Good Afternoon,

I thank NTUC and SNEF for inviting me here today. I congratulate you on the launch of the new Migrant Workers Centre, which will play a critical role in serving the needs of our foreign workforce.

2.   Why is there a need to for a non-governmental organisation like the Migrant Workers Centre (or MWC)? Simply put, Singapore needs foreign workers. We don't have enough workers in Singapore, so we need to supplement our workforce. Just as we look after Singaporean workers, we also want to look after foreign workers. We all know that foreign workers play an important role in our economy and make significant contributions to Singapore's growth. However, due to the size of the migrant worker population and Singapore's limited size, the presence of foreign workers here occasionally causes some unhappiness or discomfort among Singaporeans. It's quite natural because Singapore is small, and there will be competition for facilities and space. As Singapore's population of foreign workers has grown, there has been a growing need to address the management of foreign workers and ensure that they enjoy a harmonious relationship with the rest of Singapore society.

3.   Here is where the MWC will play an important role, in facilitating a more harmonious co-existence between locals and foreign workers. It does this by educating foreign workers on acceptable norms of behaviour in Singapore. At the same time there will be efforts to educate Singaporeans on the importance of foreign workers' contribution and how best to live, work and play alongside them. This will complement the work of the Ministerial Steering Committee on Foreign Worker Management, chaired by Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong, which coordinates the whole-of-Government efforts in this area. I can assure you that the Singapore government takes the management of foreign workers very seriously, just Singaporeans have.

4.   Another area where MWC will play an important role is in the welfare of migrant workers here. The way we treat migrant workers in Singapore reflects our maturity as a society. Migrant workers have travelled, sometimes thousands of miles, to a country with unfamiliar customs and languages, to create a better future for their families.

5.   Employers are primarily responsible for the wellbeing of their workers. Most employers fulfil their obligations, and some even go beyond the minimum employment standards required by our laws. However, there is a small minority of employers who flout the law, and leave their workers without proper housing, salary, or even medical treatment. Some profit from bringing workers into Singapore with false promises of jobs, in exchange for kickbacks. The Government will not hesitate to take stern action against such employers. In the first three months of 2009, MOM took to task 217 employers for failing to provide acceptable accommodation for their workers. Also, since Jan 2009, MOM has prosecuted two employers for failing to pay workers' salaries and is investigating a further nine. The MWC will play an important role in providing humanitarian assistance for workers who may suddenly be left stranded by rogue employers, even as government authorities swing into action to investigate and ensure that the employers fulfil their obligations.

6.   The MWC has the unique advantage of being a bipartite effort between NTUC and SNEF. This means that the MWC has the strong support of both the unions and the employers, who are close to the ground. Moreover, the MWC brings the labour movement's capabilities, expertise and influence to bear on the challenge of helping migrant workers in need.

7.   I applaud the decision of NTUC and SNEF to set up the Migrant Workers Centre, which has the full support of both the workers and employers. I hope to see the centre become an important player in the migrant worker NGO scene to enhance the welfare of migrant workers in Singapore. The Ministry of Manpower looks forward to close cooperation with the Centre.

8.   I wish all of you, including the migrant workers in the audience, a happy Labour Day next week, and hope you enjoy the rest of this evening's programme.

9.   Thank you.