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Introduction of Long Term Pass Card

Singapore will introduce a new Long Term Pass (LTP) card to all foreigners residing in Singapore on Student's Pass (STP), long term visit pass, Employment Pass (EP) and Dependant's Pass as part of the Government's initiative to enhance the national security of Singapore. The card will be introduced in phases from the second half of 2008.

2   The LTP card will replace the current stamp endorsement on the travel documents and the paper-laminated Disembarkation/Embarkation (or D/E) card issued to long term pass holders. The LTP card will have better security features compared to the present paper-laminated card. It will contain similar biometric features as those in the Singapore National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) to provide a secure means of identifying individuals and facilitate travel (please see Annex A for details of the new LTP card).

3   The LTP card will bear the photograph and fingerprint of all cardholders aged 15 and above. Fingerprint registration for those between six and 14 years of age is optional. Children five years and below are exempted as their fingerprints have yet to stabilise.

Benefits to the cardholder

4   With the added personal identifiers on the LTP card, i.e. the holder's photograph and fingerprint, government agencies such as the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) and the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will be able to verify the cardholder's identity through face and fingerprint matching.

5   The enhanced security features and personal identifiers on the LTP will deter forgery and fraudulent use of the card.

6   LTP cardholders will also be able to enjoy expedited and automated immigration clearance at major checkpoints around Singapore, if their foreign-issued passports are compliant with the standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation. Such cardholders who are eligible for automated clearance will be advised accordingly at the point of registration.

Phased introduction of the Long Term Pass card

7  The LTP card will be introduced in phases:

By Immigration & Checkpoints Authority:

8  All new long term visit pass and STP holders will be issued with LTP cards in the second half of 2008. The D/E cards currently held by holders of long term visit passes and STP will be converted to the new LTP cards in phases, or when they are renewed, whichever is earlier.

9 For the convenience of STP holders, ICA has made arrangements with selected education institutions to conduct the registration of fingerprints on campus.

By Ministry of Manpower:

10  Currently all Work Permit and S Pass Holders are already issued with a secure card with biometric features similar to the new LTP card. In the second quarter of 2009, MOM will open a new Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC) to register and issue the LTP cards to the following groups:

a) Employment Pass holders
b) EntrePass holders
c) Personalised Employment Pass holders
d) Training Employment Pass holders
e) Work Holiday Pass holders
f) Dependants Pass and long term visit pass holders whose passes are tied to Work Pass holders (i.e. Dependants of Employment Pass holders)

11  Existing Pass holders (listed in paragraph 10a to 10f) and future Pass holders issued with the old D/E card will transit to the new LTP cards from the second quarter of 2009 during the renewal of their passes. Pass holders will be informed on when and how to report for registration.

Further details

12  More details, such as the actual design and security features of the LTP card, will be released closer to the date of implementation.

Annex A

Long term immigration passes and work passes are issued for foreigners to stay and work in Singapore, respectively. Currently, these foreigners are issued with a Disembarkation/Embarkation (D/E) card to facilitate their immigration clearance when they enter or leave Singapore. 

2   The D/E card is a paper-laminated card which contains essential information (e.g. name, date of birth and Foreign Identification Number) of the pass holder. It does not carry the holder's personal identifiers such as his photograph or fingerprint. The main purpose of the D/E card is to facilitate the immigration clearance of the pass holders when they enter or leave Singapore.

A more secure card

3   The new Long Term Pass (LTP) card is a credit card-sized, durable polycarbonate card that will replace the current stamp endorsement on the travel documents and the paper-laminated Disembarkation/Embarkation (or D/E) card issued to Long Term Pass holders. The LTP card will incorporate fingerprint biometrics and a photo image to provide a safe and secure means to facilitate travel and serve as a form of identification.

LTP Registration Process

4   The registration process is non-intrusive and is similar to the procedure that Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents go through to register for their Singapore Identity Cards (NRIC).