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If my employee has acute respiratory infection (ARI) symptoms but hasn't seen a doctor, how should I handle their absence?

Employees should see a doctor if they:

  • Are medically vulnerable (such as seniors and those with chronic medical conditions) and have ARI symptoms
  • Have severe, prolonged or worsening ARI symptoms

Under the Employment Act, eligible employees will be entitled to paid sick leave when they are certified unfit for work by a doctor.

As part of your talent attraction and retention strategies, you may grant paid sick leave for employees with mild acute respiratory infection (ARI) symptoms without requiring a medical certificate (MC).

In such instances, employees should maintain open communication with you and use such concessions mindfully, while ensuring that the company’s business needs are fulfilled.

If there are disputes over the period of absence, you may require your employees to produce an MC so that they can be granted paid sick leave according to the Employment Act.