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Medical examination for migrant worker

You need to send your workers for a medical examination before you can get their Work Permits issued.

Purpose of the medical examination

The medical examination screens the worker for 4 types of infectious diseases (tuberculosis, HIV, syphilis and malaria) and checks if they are fit to work.

You can send your workers for more tests if you have specific concerns about their health.

Medical examination requirements

Type of worker Medical examination requirements
Work Permit holders who are required to undergo the Onboard programme. Complete the medical examination at MOM’s Onboard centre.
Work Permit holders who are not required to undergo the Onboard programme but required to have a Primary Care Plan (PCP). Within 2 weeks of their arrival in Singapore, complete the medical examination with the Anchor Operator of the zone that they will live in.

Work Permit holders who are not required to:

  • Undergo the Onboard programme
  • Have the PCP
Within 2 weeks of their arrival in Singapore, complete the medical examination at a local clinic.