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How can I extend my pass holder’s stay in Singapore?

You can request to extend your pass holder’s stay in Singapore for the following reasons.

If you need more time to

Because the

When to submit

Send them home

  • Pass holder is waiting for new travel documents.
  • Pass holder’s flight was cancelled by the airline.
  • Pass holder is not fit to travel due to a medical condition.

1 week before their Special Pass or Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP) expires. For example, if the pass is expiring on 17 February 2023, submit your request earliest from 10 February 2023.

Get the pass issued or renewed

  • Pass holder is waiting for new passport or medical results.
  • Pass holder needs more time to complete their COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Work Permit holder is waiting to attend their Settling-In-Programme (SIP) or Onboard programme at Onboard centre.
  • Employment Pass, EntrePass, S Pass, Dependant’s Pass or Long-Term Visit Pass holder is waiting for their renewal application outcome and the current pass expires in 2 weeks.
  • Employment Pass holder has applied for an Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass under the same employer but still waiting for an outcome, and the current pass expires in 2 weeks.
2 weeks before the current pass date of expiry (DOE) or STVP expires. For example, if the DOE or STVP is expiring on 17 February 2023, submit your request earliest from 3 February 2023.

You will receive the outcome within 1 week.

Please ensure that your pass holder has a valid legal stay at all times. Otherwise, an overstaying fine will be imposed