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How does COMPASS calculate my candidate’s nationality/citizenship share among my organisation’s PMETs?

The share of PMETs from a specific nationality/citizenship is calculated by taking the number of PMET employees from a specific nationality/citizenship and dividing it by the total number of PMET employees.

formula to calculate shares of PMETs

The nationality/citizenship of your organisation's employees, including Permanent Residents, is based on the nationality/citizenship on their passport in the Singapore Government’s records.


Using an example of an organisation with 100 PMET employees in total, this illustration shows how to calculate the shares of specific nationalities:

Pie Charts for Nationalities Compass

Thus, if your candidate belongs to Nationality A, your firm’s share of PMETs from nationality A would be:

30 (Nationality A PMETs) / 100 (Total PMETs) = 30%