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Speech at The Launch of The New Contact Singapore

Mr Wong Kan Seng, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs, Contact Singapore Office in Raffles City Tower

Mr Lim Siong Guan, Co-Chairman, Contact Singapore

Mr Leo Yip, Co-Chairman, Contact Singapore

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen


Two months ago, I spoke about Singapore's strategic challenge of population-augmentation at the Committee of Supply debate. We have a three-prong strategy to ensure that we continue to have a sustainable population to further Singapore's development:

i. To promote and support marriage and parenthood in Singapore;
ii. To reach out to our Overseas Singaporeans and help them stay connected with Singapore; and,
iii. To attract and retain suitable global talent.

2.   We need a Whole-of-Government approach to tackle our twin challenges of a low indigenous birth rate and a rapidly ageing population. This requires a coordinated and concerted effort, involving various government agencies and our partners in the private and people sectors.  For example, we cannot expect to be able to bring Overseas Singaporeans or other global talent to Singapore if the private sector is not able or prepared to hire them. And even if there are jobs here for them, global talent may not stay for long if they are not made to feel welcomed by the community. So we all have a part to play, to ensure that we continue to have vibrant, diverse and viable population in Singapore with citizens as the core.

Talent Imperative for Singapore

3.   I am glad that the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is partnering the Economic Development Board (EDB) in a coordinated effort to enhance our talent-attraction outreach and yield. Talent is a key imperative for our continued growth. Last year, commitments in Fixed Asset Investments (FAI) in Singapore exceeded $10 billion for the first time ever. For 2008, EDB expects the increase in FAI to continue. These investments cover a number of high-end complex manufacturing and knowledge- and innovation-intensive projects, as well as exciting new growth areas such as Interactive Digital Media, Clean Energy and Clean Technology. Together with the strong growth in our financial sector and the upcoming Intergrates Resorts, there will be many new employment opportunities for Singaporeans and other global talent. Over the last three years, almost two-thirds of new jobs created for Singaporeans were at the PMET level. Bringing in global manpower has enabled our economy to grow beyond what our own local workforce would have been able to achieve and sustain. This generates more economic activity which in turn creates even more and better quality jobs for Singaporeans. But the strong employment growth has led to a tight labour market, especially for skilled professionals and high-end talent. We will need to redouble our efforts to attract more global talent to meet our employment needs.

4.   At the same time, through the years, many of our global talent have decided to become PRs and citizens, to become long-term residents in Singapore. Talent-attraction not only serves the purpose of meeting our economic needs, but is also a key strategy in our population-augmentation efforts.

The New Contact Singapore

5.   Contact Singapore is not a new institution. In fact, it is 11 years old1. Throughout its existence, it has been involved in talent-attraction work in one form or another, working to bring in valuable manpower resources to Singapore. In recent years, the competition for talent has intensified and become more challenging. The turmoil in the global financial markets shows how quickly economic trends can turn. We cannot take Singapore's strong economic performance in the past few years for granted. We must continue to push ahead when opportunities are still coming our way. The new Contact Singapore will be a one-stop centre for international talent attraction and retention. It will harness the capabilities and networks of both EDB and MOM to enhance Singapore's attractiveness as a talent destination, to make Singapore a choice location to work, invest, do business and live. To do this, we will adopt the following strategies:

  • EDB will leverage on its strong business network and investment promotion capability to also reach out to global talent to work in Singapore. EDB is well positioned to attract overseas entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals who could potentially invest and do business in Singapore. This work complements EDB's existing investment promotion efforts.
  • MOM will partner EDB to further enhance its efforts to harness global talent. Through this strategic alliance of the two agencies, we will be able to significantly improve the outreach and scale of our talent-attraction efforts.

Overseas Singaporeans and Global Talent Pool

6.   The global talent pool includes both Overseas Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans. For Overseas Singaporeans, the new Contact Singapore can play a useful role to inform them about the exciting career and job opportunities back home, especially in the new growth industries. It can help link up interested Overseas Singaporeans with companies back home through internships and job recruitment exercises. Contact Singapore will provide practical value to talented people wanting to work and settle in Singapore. It will work closely with the Overseas Singaporean Unit (OSU), which is the lead agency in the Government to plan and coordinate all Overseas Singaporean outreach and engagement efforts, including joint promotions and programmes where appropriate. For example, the new Contact Singapore's dedicated job website will be linked to the Overseas Singaporean Portal. This will enhance our overall outreach and enable us to keep Overseas Singaporeans informed of the latest developments in industry, the professions and employment opportunities in Singapore and the region. The new Contact Singapore will similarly reach out to non-Singaporeans. For those who do come here, Contact Singapore will also work closely with the relevant agencies and other partners to ensure that those who wish to relocate permanently to Singapore are given the appropriate assistance and support to integrate into our community.

Beyond a Talent Hub to a Great Place to Live

7.   Singapore has succeeded through the years because we have harnessed talent well. We develop our own local talent well through a good education system and good career opportunities from a growing economy. That is why Singaporean talent is sought after overseas. But we should keep our Overseas Singaporeans plugged in with the emerging career opportunities back home. At the same time, we welcome global talent who seek to make a career, invest and do business here. That formula has worked well for us. We should continue to press ahead with this combination of bringing out the best potential of our own, and tapping on the talent from the region and beyond.

8.   But we must go beyond just being a talent hub. Even as we enhance our efforts to reach out to and attract talent to Singapore, we must ensure that Singapore is also a great place to live, for our global talent to sink roots and call Singapore home. It is not just economics, it is about growing the Singaporean community and sharing a common future. The new Contact Singapore, with its focus on talent-attraction, is a critical node in the continuum of our Whole-of-Government efforts to this end.


9.   Today marks a significant milestone in our quest to stay abreast of the global competition for talent. The right talent will propel our economy to new heights, create new jobs and generate more wealth for Singapore. The new Contact Singapore will cast its net far and wide to bring talent to Singapore. Be they Overseas Singaporeans or non-Singaporeans, we will welcome them. For returning Singaporeans, we hope that they will be able to reacquaint themselves with home – with families, and with friends. For newcomers, we hope that it will not be a transient stint, but one that could lead to Singapore becoming their new home. Together, with all Singaporeans, we will build a better future for ourselves.

10.   I wish the new Contact Singapore team all the best as they seek to do their part to augment our talent pool and our population.


1 The name "Contact Singapore" was first used by the Foreign Talent Unit (FTU) in PMO for its overseas offices in 1997. In 1998, “Contact Singapore” was transferred out of PMO to MOM.