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Speech at Boys’ Brigade Sharity Gift Box 2007 Closing Ceremony

Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Defence, Vivocity, Golden Village

Mr Tan Kok Heng, Brigade President

Mrs Mildred Tan, Chairperson of The Boys' Brigade Sharity Gift Box Members of The Boys' Brigade

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen

1.   Good morning. I am pleased to join you today at the closing ceremony of The Boys' Brigade Sharity Gift Box 2007.

2.   This year is particularly special as we mark the 20th Anniversary of the Boys' Brigade Sharity Box. From a collection of 7,000 gifts when it started in 1988, this project has grown steadily to this year's target1 of 430,000 food and household items and 10,000 Specific Wishes2 to benefit over 26,000 needy persons. Also, for the first time, the project will be fulfilling Special Wishes that 20 people have hoped for this year.

3.   The success of the BB Sharity Box is certainly not about numbers, but about the joy each gift brings to thankful recipients. One poignant example is Lim Qi Mao, 14, who suffers from spinal bifida. His grandmother cares for him and struggles to provide for his needs. Due to his physical condition, Qi Mao drags his feet when he walks and wears out his shoes quickly. Currently, he goes through 2 pairs of shoes a month. His Special Wish was simply for a $200 Bata voucher to buy shoes and to relieve his grandmother of the financial burden of having to replace his shoes constantly. I am happy that a local company has stepped in to fulfil his wish and provide him with shoes for one year.

4.   But beyond the happiness each gift brings, the BB Sharity Gift Box connects lives and builds our community. It provides all individuals, rich or less so to help others, through contributions, big or small that can have great impact, both in material and intangible ways. Through this giving, we exercise care and compassion for fellow Singaporeans and strengthen the bonds of our social compact.

Connecting Lives, Building Community
5.   Through the years, the BB Sharity Box has enriched the lives of givers and the community at large. It connects those who are more fortunate with those who need help. It also brings friends, colleagues and families closer together. Companies are organising staff welfare drives and doing charity work as a team. Parents are taking the opportunity to teach their children about caring and sharing through participation in this project. Many couples spend a day together delivering gifts to needy recipients.

6.   Individuals have gathered to share their efforts, encourage friends to participate, and inspire others with stories of how the gifts have touched the lives of the recipients. The BB Sharity Gift Box has played a important role in promoting the spirit of caring and sharing amongst Singaporeans.

In Appreciation
7.   I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Boys and Officers of The Boys' Brigade, the sponsors, volunteers, and all supporters for your tireless efforts and contributions towards the needy.

8.   On this note, I wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you.


1The targets for 2006 were 400,000 food and household items and 8000 wishes.  

2Specific Wishes cater to the young, elderly as well as families in need. it could include necessities such as a school bag to a gas stove.