Maintenance of eServices on 5 February
There'll be maintenance of eServices on 5 February.
7pm → 10pm, Wednesday, 5 February
At 7pm → 10pm, Wednesday, 5 February, the following will not be available:
- MOM website
- Apply for an EntrePass
- Apply for Dependant's Pass/Long-Term Visit Pass under the EntrePass
- Apply for an Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass
- Apply for Dependant's Pass/Long-Term Visit Pass under the Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass
- Apply for a Personalised Employment Pass
- Apply for Dependant's Pass/Long-Term Visit Pass under the Personalised Employment Pass
- Medical Examination (ME) Portal
- Work permit transactions for domestic helpers and confinement nannies
7pm, Wednesday, 5 February → 12am, Thursday, 6 February
At 7pm, Wednesday, 5 February → 12am, Thursday, 6 February, the following will not be available:
- Employment / S Pass Self-Assessment Tool (SAT)
- Employment Pass (EP) eService (formerly EP Online)
- Make, change or cancel appointment at MOM Services Centre
- myMOM Portal
- Check worker training records